BY PASTOR RAY: “HAVE YOU DISCOVERED THE POWER OF PRAISE IN YOUR LIFE?” Glory to God, when we discover this truth and get plugged in, something happens. The spiritual weather forecast begins to change. The sun comes out, and begins to shine.


When we start to praise God there’s a turn around. A turn for the better. The dark threatening clouds of doubt, fear, depression and bondage are chained and defeated. Your praise, born of the Spirit, born of a faith in God and His Word, casts all these trouble-makers out of your life. Satan attempts to convince us that praising God is unproductive and wasting precious energy on an exercise in futility.

But, it’s far from futile. But don’t forget, Satan is a liar, and the Father of them all. Praises open doors, that grumbling and complaining have slammed shut.

(Ps 100:4) “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; praise His name”.

There are very real heavenly gates that only thanksgiving can open, and very real gates to His heavenly courts that only praise can open. These are the real, genuine, heavenly places where we are seated together with Christ.

That part of us that’s been redeemed is sitting there, conscious of, and seeing the magnificence, glory, and majesty of it in the spirit realm, and will literally see it and be conscious of it if our minds eye and spiritual eyes come together as one.


You can be a godly spirit-filled believer and never see where a part of your redeemed spirit is sitting if your spiritual eyes are not opened to see into the spirit realm.

(Ephesians 2:6-7) “And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus”.

Greater than all the sight and sound of this indescribable place, is the absolute spiritual authority that has been given to Christ when God raised Him from the dead and set him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power, and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but, also in that which is to come, and has put all things under His feet, and has made Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all”. (Ephesians 1:20-23). GLORY BE TO GOD.

How amazing is it that we rule there and share in that absolute authority and power with Him.

He gives us the privilege of making decisions with Him and executing them upon the earth and bringing them to pass, both blessings, and judgments as the Father determines. Though this is the place where all genuine Christians are seated, this glorious privilege will depend on Christ seeing that we have been faithful and obedient in all our dealings and interactions in life. He will never grant that privilege to the careless, lazy, or irresponsible. One may be saved, but not deemed ready to take on such a task of eternal magnitude.

In closing, let me give you an example of the power of praise. A lady in one of the churches where I pastored, was impressed by the Lord to praise God for her house. So, she walked through her house praising God and thanking the Lord for her house over and over again.


Un-be-known to her, a tornado moved right up to her backyard, and suddenly, turned around and went back the way it came.

Her house was spared because she obeyed God and praised Him for her house. Remember also God’s Word tells us that ‘HE DWELLS IN THE MIDST OF OUR PRAISES, OR IS LITERALLY ENTHRONED UPON OUR PRAISES. GLORY, GLORY TO OUR GOD. AMEN.


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