Child of God, prayer is needed in each of our lives. It is absolutely necessary. Prayer is a ‘MUST’.
Life will drain out of our heart and spirit without an established prayer life.
The presence of God will only abide on and over our lives as we have a constant and continuous prayer life. Without prayer, God will get distant, and our connection to Him will be strained and eventually broken.
(Ephesians 1:16) After Paul heard of the Ephesians faith in Jesus, and their love for the ‘saints’, He prayed unceasingly, giving thanks to God for them, making mention to God about them…”
We learn from this that praying for the ‘saints’, or people of God, counters self-centeredness in us, and promotes love for the brethren.
And this love for the brethren creates a passion and deep desire to pray for the ‘saints (believers), and an even deeper desire to please God in fulfilling His plan and His desire for us to pray.
(V-17) “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him…”
God is not just our Father, but something much more. He is the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Father of His One and only begotten Son of the Father, and He is the ‘FATHER OF GLORY’.
There’s no way of fully qualifying what Paul means by the statement, ‘THE FATHER OF GLORY’.
Everything there is and everything that exists first exists in the ‘SPIRIT REALM’.
And even more specifically, these eternal things and eternal realities that are of such, ‘LIFE, LIGHT, AND GLORY, actually exist.
And it is as we touch God through Jesus Christ our Lord that we will be able to receive them.
It is only then, that by faith in His name will we be able to extract these gifts and talents and bring them out of the spirit realm of invisibility into the seen realm where we live.
And it is the hand of ‘FAITH‘ that reaches into that realm, where God is, and lays hold of these blessings and brings them out from His wonderful inexhaustible supply of ‘THE RICHES OF HIS GRACE”.
These Are Things of ‘UNLIMITED WORTH‘, such as these INTANGIBLES.
These intangibles are love, joy, peace and many other things, which are uncreated, but come forth out of the very heart of God, because they always existed, just as God always existed.
These intangibles are not available to any of the human race, unless we are connected to God through our Lord, Jesus, Christ. SEATED WITH CHRIST IN HEAVENLY PLACES
Then there are gifts and talents that He placed within our inner man (spiritual being) when He brought us into existence and birthed us into this world.
But, everything that was, and is, and will be was extracted from the ‘GLORY REALM’, and lavishly poured out upon those men and woman of faith who will sincerely seek after God.
And everything that they needed to serve God successfully and faithfully came out of the ‘GLORY REALM’ of His Spirit, and it is an inexhaustible supply.
Yes, we all need wisdom and revelation, and wisdom comes with knowledge of the Word, and revelation comes with asking, seeking, and knocking”.
(Matthew 7:7-8) “Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asks receives, and he that seeks shall find, and to him that knocks, it shall be opened unto him”.
So, actually God gives us wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus, Christ.
(V-18) “The eyes of our understanding being enlightened: that you may ‘KNOW WHAT IS THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING”.
God wants us to be certain about these things. He doesn’t want us to just hope for these things, but genuinely have confidence in and faith in the ‘HOPE OF OUR CALLING’.
(V 18) “That you may know what are the riches of the ‘GLORY OF HIS (Christ’s) INHERITANCE IN THE SAINTS”.
“Did you catch that?”
We are Christ’s Inheritance, the ‘saints are’.
Christ is proud of His Inheritance and wants to show us off? Are we ready for that? Are we prepared for such a show, for such an exposition?
Can Christ be proud of us, His inheritance?
Are we pure, holy, loving, faithful, knowledgeable, loyal?
Do we know how to execute Christ’s plans for his kingdom? Do we know how to read His ‘blueprints? Are we Spirit filled, are we manifesting the fruit of the Spirit?
Are we being prepared to rule?
My brothers and sisters, we have our work cut out for us. We need to rely totally and completely on our Commander and Chief, and His Spirit, and His Word, if God can be proud of us, and not ashamed.
(V 19) “And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power….V 20….”Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and ‘SET HIM AT HIS OWN RIGHT HAND IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES….”
Mostly, all Believers fall infinitely short of understanding and realizing how much power has been given to us, as Children of God. It is power given to us from the highest heavens. It comes to us from the very Throne of God.
Just before Jesus ascended back into heaven he said, “ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH” (Matthew 28:18)
Would you agree that all power was given to Jesus by Father God when He was raised from the dead? I’m sure you would.
Would you also agree that Jesus conferred His power to His disciples, and ultimately to His disciples (us) at the end of the age?
Listen to what Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 10:8 “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give”.
Now, the disciples could never do the things Jesus told them to do without power.
Now Jesus didn’t say that God would do these things, He said, that we would. That his disciples would. And we are His disciples at the end of the age.
They could never do these things in the natural.
Only by the power that Jesus gave His disciples could they ever accomplish this, but through His power, nothing would stand in there way. God has given His children both power and authority.
All things would be possible if they could believe, (Matthew 9:23). Let us all believe, because when we do ‘THE SKY’S THE LIMIT, AND BEYOND’.