I know you’ve been searching for a long time and haven’t found the critical ‘Answers’ that you’ve been searching for. But, here on portalsofglory.com you’ll find satisfaction that you’ve not been able to find anywhere else. Where can you find how you’re governed byTWO LAWS’.

Either you follow God and obey Him through the Law of the Spirit of ‘Life in Christ Jesus, and will one day (at the Rapture) be caught up to be with the Lord, Jesus, Christ for ever, and experience joy unspeakable and full of glory, or you will reject Christ, live a life of sin and selfishness, thus falling under the “law of sin and death’, which will cause God to one day say, “Depart from me, you worker of iniquity” (Matthew 7:23).

Where can your longing soul find comfort and peace through wondering about heaven. Is it real. Can I go there. How can I be assured that I will go there when I die. Will I see my loved ones there. That mother, father, husband or wife that left me and broke my heart. What about that child I lost through sickness, will I see them again? “Oh how my heart longs to know. YOU’LL FIND ANSWERS TO THESE AND MANY OTHER QUESTIONS YOU BEEN SEARCHING FOR, LIKE IT SEEMS FOREVER.

When you’re weak and need strength, where will you go to find the answers. Haven’t you discovered that the Word of (the living God) has all the answers to life’s problems and dilemma’s? And haven’t you discovered that the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, and because it is alive and because it is powerful, it not only tells you what to do, but also ‘SUPPLIES THE POWER TO CARRY OUT BY FAITH, WHAT’S NEEDED TO GIVE YOU THE VICTORY OVER ALL THINGS, AND IN ALL THINGS.

As you read these articles on this ‘Website’, you will hear yourself saying, “Yes, I can do that. Yes, I can believe that, and I do. Oh, how that article, “Why Are you looking down when you should be looking up”, has helped me to get up, but it’s encouraged me to look up, also, from where my help and hope comes from, and that’s from my God on high.

When I’m worn out and I have the smell of the world on me, and I need a spiritual bath through the Word and the blood of Jesus, of go to such articles as, ‘BE REFRESHED’, and when I do I find a refreshing, a cleansing, an encouragement to get up when I am down, and I sense that these aren’t like a lot of articles, and high sounding platitudes, but I “Really feel the pray and thought that goes into these articles and I literally feel the presence of God, and I am lifted out of the mire, mud, and disappointments of every day life, and I find not only a refreshing, but an invigorating power, giving me the strength to continue on, and on, and on. Praise God.

Where can I go to find direction for my path. I have lost my way, but when i read such articles as ‘LED BY THE SPIRIT’, I find that I can’t direct my path but, God leads me by His Spirit and by His Word. Then it becomes a clear path, a bright path.

Where can I go when the Enemy of my soul and family attacks me. I can’t see Him, because He’s an invisible foe. How can I fight him if I can’t see him. Because he’s invisible and would hit me at will, and would attack me before I could ever detect him, I need heavenly help.

I need all of heaven’s appointed means. I need Almighty God. and I don’t know where I would go to find this kind of help in writing. Writing that’s given by God. It’s not the Bible, but inspired by God to help you, and to give you understanding in how to live for God and fight the Devil and win. (I Corinthians 15:57) “But thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus, Christ”.

Where could I go to find out how powerful Praise is. (Ps 8:2) tells us, “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have ordained strength because of my enemies. To still the enemy and the avenger’. Then Jesus interprets what the Psalmist meant by “out of the mouth of babes (little children) You have ‘Perfected Praise’.

Where else could you find that this ‘Ordained Strength, and Perfected Praise are the same things. Here you’ll learn that the ordained strength that God gives to the ‘LITTLE ONES’, is ‘PERFECTED PRAISE’. We learn that it is God’s great mercy and loving provision for ‘HIS LITTLE ONES’, that he provides unbelievable power, protection, and the call of angels to surround and protect your little ones.

You would be hard pressed to come up with the information and actual experiences of ‘THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD’ and what it will do for you. How you must have it on if you are able to successfully defeat the Devil over all areas of your life. I even talk about what this armor may look like, how substantial it is and how God has given this protective armor so we can continue to serve God without fear of the devil and fulfill the plan and purpose of God for our lives and families.

Where do you find Bible Commentators when teaching on the ‘SPIRIT REALM’ from the Bible literally talk about what it is actually like. Telling us about the two realms of the spirit. The two realms of the spirit are, ‘THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS’, and the ‘KINGDOM OF LIGHT (God’s realm).

Where can you find, the Biblical information and the personal experiences of the (genuine) experience of the ‘BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT’. Who’s going to tell you that it didn’t pass away with the Apostles. Who’s going to tell you the truth about it, that it’s not the least of the gifts, but, probably the most important of all, because from it flows all the other gifts. And where will you learn that when you don’t know how to pray and you don’t know what to pray, when you pray in the Spirit, you always pray the will of God. Who’s going to tell you,

Where will you find those who will be bold enough to shoot down the lie that speaking in tongues is of the Devil. That we must understand that Satan has a counterfeit for everything, (except the blood of Jesus), because he can’t counterfeit it, and he’s terribly afraid of the powerful blood of Jesus. Yes, it’s true, that for the genuine gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking in Holy Ghost tongues, Satan has a deceptive, destructive false tongue. Where can you pull this information up. It would be rare to find it.

So dear reader, if you find this on your laptop, or tablet, or mobile while shopping, you’ll find a wealth of information, and while you read with heart and expectation, you will feel the presence of God, ‘JUST LIKE YOU DO NOW’. EXPECT ANSWERS TO YOUR PRAYERS, AND QUESTIONS AS YOU PATIENTLY AND EAGERLY READ THESE ARTICLES. I BELIEVE YOU’LL FIND A SATISFACTION IN YOUR SOUL, THAT, PERHAPS YOU’VE NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE. GOD BLESS YOU. WE WELCOME YOU AS FAMILY.

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