Sin and rebellion is what broke fellowship with God in the beginning with Lucifer’s high treason against the supreme ruler of all worlds and heaven itself.

Lucifer’s goal many millions of years ago was to take over the very throne of God, depose Him and sit as supreme ruler of the Universe of universes.


If you have identified yourself as an atheist God knows all about it. He knows you inside and out. Does He care about you? Of course He does. You may also be of a religion that has taught you against Christianity, but somehow you want to know more about Christianity and Jesus Christ, and desire to know this Living Savior and be accepted by Him. Either way, I have good news for you, God has opened wide his arms to receive you, ‘IF’ you will open your heart to Him.

I am not in any way going to make an argument to try to convince you of God, or that Jesus Christ is the only Savior, instead I’m going to let God speak to your heart and conscience directly.

Somehow you know there is a God, and that is what both terrifies you, and makes you hope He hasn’t written you off.

God loves you just as much as He loves everybody else in this world.

(John 3:16) “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”


God plays no favorites. Though God loves everybody and wants everybody saved, converted and born-again, He will only accept those who call upon Him to forgive them of their sins and ask Him into their hearts. He also will not tolerate sin and rebellion in a person’s heart and life if that person wants God to accept Him as His born-again child.

Yes, he shows incredible mercy to millions of people the world over, and keeps the devil from killing multitudes in their rebellion and taking them to hell before they can repent. Today, He is giving you an opportunity to come to Him.

He is opening the door to you and throwing out the welcome mat if you genuinely want to come to Him. He gave every human being a free will. He gave you the power to choose.

What will it be? Will you humble yourself and throw yourself on the mercy of God, ask for His cleansing and forgiveness. Will you say yes to Jesus Christ and receive Him as your Lord and Savior, or will you double down in rebellion against Him.

Today He is opening the door to you. He is saying, “I love you and I want you in my Family, the family of God. His family is all over the world.


It matters not what country you live in, and it makes no difference whether you are yellow, brown, black or white you are precious in His sight.

Do not make the mistake of neglecting to act, or receive this message and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God doesn’t have to give you a second chance, it’s simply His mercy if He does.

If you don’t receive Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of your whole life, then there is no other place for you to go at death but outer darkness and hell itself.

(2 Corinthians 6:2) “Behold, now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation.”

The Scripture says there is an accepted time and a day of salvation. Today is your day. Tomorrow may be too late.

God wants you, but He won’t beg you. He wants only those who want Him. He accepts those who accept Him, and He rejects those who reject him.

(Isaiah 55:6-7) “Seek the Lord while he may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake His way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God for he will abundantly pardon”.


Dear God, I know I’m a sinner and I’ve deeply offended You. Forgive me of all my sins. Jesus, come into my heart and save me. I give my life to you. I will live for you all the days of my life.

I renounce Satan, his power, influence and control over me in Jesus name. Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit, and help me to live according to your holy Word every day of my life.

I forgive everyone who has ever hurt me and I will love you supremely and I will love my neighbor as myself. For only as I forgive others will you forgive me, and only if you forgive me will you allow me into heaven. Thank you Lord for saving my soul. Amen.

If you have prayed that prayer sincerely, by faith, you have had a powerful attitude change. You now love the God you once hated.

No one can hate the true and living God, once he experiences His great beauty, mercy, grace, and love, ‘UNLESS’ he is a ‘son of perdition’, one who is only bent on evil and always wants his own way and his own sins.

God loves His enemies, but they must be converted or they can never live with Him for all eternity. All the wicked one day will be cast into the ‘LAKE OF FIRE’, but not before God attempts to reach them with His love and saving grace.

Did you pray that sinners prayer sincerely by faith? If you did, God came into your heart and saved your soul. Now, day by day He will continue to change you into His likeness and image and give you peace, and joy. Tell others about this wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. If you continue to live for Him, heaven will be your home some day. So, rejoice and give Him thanks for His goodness to you, and accepting you into His family, and kingdom of righteousness.

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