(written by Ray E. Leonard)

You can if you look with me into the ‘Realm of Spirit’. Look to the ‘right and see the kingdom of Light’. Look to the ‘left and see the kingdom of darkness.

As a family, when you pray together and determine to live according to God’s holy Word the atmosphere of your home is kept clean and wholesome. In the ‘spirit’ you would see angels worshiping with you, and pulling in more of the presence of God.

Level two is when holy fire begins to burn brightly within, and within an established prayer life is formed, and out of that is born intercession and then spiritual warfare. Though these two are related, they are not the same. Prayer is communication with Father God. Intercession is ‘STANDING IN THE GAP’, it’s intervention, a stepping in on someone else’s behalf in prayer.

Spiritual warfare is battling the ‘Powers of Darkness’ by binding demons that are binding family members, friends, and those praying to be free. We not only bind ‘spirits’, but we also command evil spirits to loose their captives from addictions, hatred, unforgiveness, doubt, fear, and rebellion.

Jesus was heard to loudly proclaim in the heavens by (Mary Baxter), ‘SATAN MUST BE BOUND, IF THE PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS ARE TO BE EFFECTIVE IN THESE LAST DAYS’.

Now in ‘spirit’ we are taken back through time to Daniels day and stand in (Daniel the 10th chapter)…. “Look, Daniel is standing on the bank of the great Tigris river. We know that Daniel has been fasting for 21 days to know and understand what was going to happen to his people.

LOOK!, he sees a magnificent man. No, no, it’s an angel. No mere man’s face is like lightning, and no man’s eyes are like flaming torches. No mere mortal’s voice sounds like a mighty multitude…. Notice, the powerful radiation of the presence of God coming from the angel, that Daniel could not stand, and falls under the power of God, and retains no strength, and can hardly breathe. Look, the men around Daniel are terrified by this awesome presence, but cannot see the angel, and so they run away.

Do you hear what the angel’s saying to Daniel? Listen closely. “Oh, Daniel greatly loved and esteemed by God, do not fear. From the first day that you prayed, your prayer was heard, and I have been sent to show you what is in store for your people, but must not be revealed now, for the vision is for the end of days. Daniel though your prayer was heard the first day that you prayed, it was resisted and held back by the ‘Prince of the kingdom of Persia, which is a mighty fallen Prince, or Angel.

I couldn’t get through to you for twenty one days. I couldn’t bring you the answer even though your prayers were heard in heaven by God the very first day you prayed them.

Daniel, up to the 20th day of your fasting and prayers, they would have been useless, if you hadn’t continued through the 21st day. If you would have been discouraged and stopped praying, I would have been called back to heaven, and you would have never received your answer.

Daniel, if you would have stopped praying, God would have never sent ‘Michael that great Prince, (that mighty chief of all warrior angels ….. But when he came to help me, even the mighty fallen angel, the great Prince of Persia, could not stop, or overcome him, but was himself overcome by the most powerful warrior angel, Michael himself directly under God’s command, and your prince who stands for your people. And ‘NOW I AM COME TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT SHALL BEFALL YOUR PEOPLE IN THE LAST DAYS, BUT THE VISION WILL BE SEALED UP, UNTIL THEN.

Our mission and journey is complete. We must return from Daniel’s day, to the 21st Century. The Spirit realm is very real. We must pray in the Spirit and in faith in order to get our prayers answered. We must bind Satan if our prayers are going to be effective in these last days.

We saw in Daniels case, how his prayer was held back for 21 days and Daniel had to continue in prayer, and warfare to get his answer. The warfare must first take place in the ‘HEAVENLIES’ and won there, before we ever experience the victory in the natural world where we live and breathe.

Jesus said, in (Jn 4:23-24) “The hour comes and now is, when true worshippers will worship God in spirit and in truth. For the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth’.

Just as Daniel must not stop battling in prayer, nor give up and stop fasting until the answer came on the 21st day, neither can we become discouraged through doubts and fears, but continue to petition God for our answer, put on the whole armor of God that you (and I) may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil and war with heaven’s weapons until the devil is defeated, breakthrough comes, and we receive our answer. ALL PRAISE BE TO OUR GOD, AMEN.


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