You’ve been bound long enough. You’ve been intimated by the ‘powers of darkness’ until you’ve just about given up hope, but not just yet. You’ve still got some fight left in you. When you hear what I’ve got to offer you, you will shout the victory because ‘THERE IS NO DEFEAT IN JESUS‘, and I’m encouraging you to focus your attention on the only one who can give you the victory. His name is Jesus.

Jesus always existed and so He is unique. (John 1:1-5) “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and ‘THE WORD WAS GOD‘. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and darkness has not overcome it.”

Think about that profound scripture. Think deeply about it. You’ve never heard about anyone remotely like Him. Jesus had a pre-existence with Father God as the Word in the beginning. When and what is the beginning?


The beginning began when Jesus started creating the heavens, the galaxies, the planets, the stars, the sun, the earth and the moon. Scripture tells us that nothing was made without the Word who was being sent by His Father into this world as a little baby, whose name was to be called Jesus, and Immanuel which means respectively, ‘HE SHALL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS’, … and ‘GOD WITH US’.

So, who is Jesus?

He is the Word who existed with Jehovah God always, and before the creation of the material universe and the planet that we live on and the planet Jesus was sent to redeem?

Jehovah God became Jesus’ Father when Jesus was born of a pure virgin (not just a young woman, but a virgin). This was not a sexual act like with mankind, but the implantation of the ‘seed of God’, the DNA of ‘God the Word’ into the womb of the virgin Mary, and that holy implantation became the pure, holy, sinless Son of God.

When the Word was born of a virgin, He became the ‘God-man’ and was named Jesus. Jesus is Messiah, Christ, Savior, Redeemer, Lord, Healer, Deliverer, Holy Ghost Baptizer, Advocate, Bread of Life, The Good Shepherd and much, much more.


If you are a lost sinner with no hope of eternal life whatsoever, like the rest of us are, or were, but now recognize that Jesus is Savior of the world, and heard the good news of the Gospel, that Jesus died on the cross of Calvary you realized you could yet be saved and have eternal life.

You realized that when Jesus died for your sins he would pay your fine, the debt of sin that you owed but was incapable of paying, and received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, hope revived and you were redeemed. Oh, blessed day.


(Isaiah 53:5-6) “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, He was punished for our sins and carried our torment so we could have peace with God, and with His wounds we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord, has laid on Him (on Jesus) the iniquity of us all”)

To be saved, Ask Jesus to come into your heart as Savior and Lord. Repent of your sins, which means you stop sinning and live a holy life in obedience to God and His Holy Word.

Satan binds people with all kinds of bondages and without the help of God we cannot break free. In order to be free, we must first receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and be totally committed to Him, because any area’s not given to Him belong to Satan, and Satan then, will take more and more pieces of our lives. He will take increasingly more territory all the time. SO GIVE EVERYTHING TO JESUS.

If you are addicted to anything, bring it to Jesus, and then repent of it, confess it as sin, and then renounce it. Addictions can be drugs, food, sports, lust, pornography, rage, pride of life and many other things. We can only serve God if we’re free. Jesus said in (John 8:36) If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed“.

Next, command the demon behind that addiction to leave you, and go to the pit of hell in Jesus name. Ask God to send His angels to take those spirits to the pit.


“You spirit of _______(call it by name) I am a Christian, born of the Spirit, and washed in Jesus blood, I command you to leave me now in Jesus name. I depend not on my own righteousness, or power, but on the power of Jesus blood, and the all powerful name of Jesus Christ. Leave me now, go, go, get out of my life. Lord, have your angels take these ‘demon spirits to the pit right now, in Jesus name.

These demons may leave immediately, or, you may have to command them over and over again because they always resist going, or coming out of a person. Do not be discouraged. When commanding them out always use the name of Jesus Christ, He is the One they must obey, and when you command them in His name they must comply, they must go. But it may not be instantly. Command them strongly, and in faith, always trusting God, through Jesus Christ to set you free.

Lastly, get into the Word, stay in the Word, meditate on the Word day and night. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and then love your neighbor as yourself, as commanded by the First and Second great commandments. When we do this, we will be pleasing God every single hour of every day.

If you have followed this scriptural advice, bondages have broken, and bondages will continue to break in Jesus mighty name. AMEN.

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