I Thessalonians 5:16 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”.
It’s far too easy to let down, and coast instead of being watchful and prayerful. Scripture tells us we need to be praying continually (not every moment), but every day, and watchful every hour because the Devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He never stops targeting you and me, and we never must stop praying against his workings against our lives, families, communities, and churches.
The Devil wants you to think that your prayers are powerless and useless and so a waste of your time and energy. You see, if you are faithful to pray every day while you’re walking with God, that is a great threat to the Devil, and he knows it, he just doesn’t want you to recognize it. He certainly doesn’t want you to get turned on and pray with your whole heart and soul, because those are the kinds of prayers that destroys his plans against you, and your family. He can’t touch you while you are praying those prayers that God leads you to pray. It paralyzes his ability to hurt, and destroy you, providing you’re living for God and walking in the Spirit. God loves you and he gives those obedient and God-loving Christians great power in their prayers, and it would literally amaze you at the power generated by a Christian praying according to the Word in faith.
(James 5:16) “Pray for each other that you may be healed and restored. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective”. A righteous man is a man redeemed through faith in Christ, under the covering of the blood, and walking in love, obedience, and the Spirit.”
Demons have spoken out of the lips of individuals going through deliverance and have said, “That person’s prayers disturbs me. I can’t fulfill my assignment against them. I can’t do anything at all”. So, child of God, lift up your head, stop being discouraged, and continue with even more fervor in your prayers, because they are accomplishing what you have been made to believe are ineffective. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST. You’re on the right track. God is hearing your prayers and you will reap and receive your answer if you’re patient and don’t give up. AMEN AND AMEN.