Lilian Yeoman tells of a woman who went to China as a missionary. She contracted small pox. In those days there was no-cure, they just died. She didn’t know what to do so she began to fervently seek the Lord. The Lord always rewards the diligent seeker, and always answers sincere, faith-filled prayer, so He spoke to her and told her to ‘Praise Him for His Faithfulness to Keep His Own Word.
Then he showed her a ‘VISION OF TWO BASKETS. One basket contained the test and the trial – the Smallpox. That box was full. The other basket contained ‘HER PRAISE’, and that Basket was ‘ONLY HALF FULL’. THE LORD TOLD HER THE PRAISE BASKET – needed to be filled with praises so it would ‘OUT-WEIGH’ the basket of the test and trial, AND WHEN THE PRAISE BASKET WAS FULL, – HER HEALING WOULD BE MANIFESTED.
As this missionary lay in her room, she began to fervently praise and worship the Lord day and night. Every one feared for her life. They thought her praises were caused by delirium.
She sang praises to God from her heart. She did nothing but praise God. She praised Him for His greatness. She praised him for all He’d ever done for her. She praised him for His Faithfulness to his Word. She praised Him for her healing. She praised, God and Praised God, and Praised God.
What was the result?
Finally after several days of heartfelt praise the Lord showed her that the ‘PRAISE BASKET WAS FULL. “She walked out of that quarantined room ‘COMPLETELY HEALED‘. Her skin was a Clear and smooth as a Child’s. No smallpox marks were to be found anywhere on her body. PRAISE BE TO OUR GOD.
I believe this may truly be the perfect remedy for our problem, our healing, and the answer to our seemingly impossible situation, ‘don’t you?’
(Psalm 103:1-4) “Bless the Lord, oh my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies”.
(If this blessed you, leave a comment).