If you have hurt someone or you have sinned against someone, you cannot just causally ask God to forgive you. Did you know that?

(Matt. 6:15) “But if you do not forgive others their sins (against you), neither will your Father in heaven forgive you your sins”.

So, what should I do? Simply pray (from your heart), say, “God I fully and freely forgive so and so, now please forgive me of my sin”.


That’s the proper way to do it. I suppose unforgiveness is one of the most prevalent sins that plagues most Christians, but it is a deadly sin and will keep you out of heaven unless you repent and forgive others.

When Jesus said, that “If you do not forgive others neither will your Father in heaven forgive you.

And let me say, most clearly, ‘IF YOU’RE NOT FORGIVEN BY THE FATHER YOU CAN’T ENTER HEAVEN’, because only those forgiven by the Him can inherit the kingdom of God. SO FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN.

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